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persistent kali usb drive

Kali is still available as option on the distro menu of Universal USB installer It is just more that down on list than shown on null-byte screenshot. Not sure, even if i just selected it, i think it was after security distros. Can't check now since i'm burning kali on usb drive.


Hard to believe but it seems that Windows 10 password can still be cracked with Ophcrack and Windows 7 tables. Maybe if it's not a compliated password. Anyway, is good to know we can still count on ophcrack for recovering account password.

And if they don't matter to change their password, just reset it:

Very easy, works like on all the others.... use a Linux Live DVD.... navigate to c:\windows\system32.
Find the sethc.exe, and name it e.g. "sethc_old.exe". Copy the cmd.exe and rename it sethc.exe.
Start Windows back up, and click on the help button (or press shift about 5-6 times) and you get an admin cmd prompt. From there you can use regular commands such as net user to reset the password. Once done delete the sethc.exe and rename the _old one back. Done.

Edited Nov 12, 2015 at 4:26 PM"
Bryce Katz
Bryce Katz
Offline NT Password Editor is the tool you need. It's included in Hiren's Boot CD.
It ONLY works on local accounts. It's useless when dealing with Microsoft Accounts or domain accounts."