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cant copy or read cd content - try then to make an iso file

You can't read an entire cd or dvd from your computer.

An old trick was to make an iso file from that cd or dvd. It sounds weird but it can work.
How i will make an iso file from a cd? if i can't read its content...

MagicISO or other iso image maker can read the entire cd or dvd because it has an option to skip errors, that's the only reason why you can reacover a cd wich is imposible to read in the normal way. But there is no garanty, maybe the cd is too much scratched and has too many reading errors that there is no way to recover its content.

MagicISO cannot be installed on Windows 10, at least i have not been abble getting an error always i try to install or run it. I talk about the software that appears as a cd icon near the Windows clock on bottom right side of Windows Desktop, and that can mount iso images in a virtual cd player.

But maybe Magic Disk can do the iso file or image cd just left clicking on your dvd player and chosing the MagicISO Menu:


So, MagicIso does not work on Windows 10 even if we go to properties and set compatibility mode with Windows 7 or Windows XP Service Pack 3...

Just try, make an iso image of your cd or dvd, and then mount it on magicdisk virtual cd reader:

Try with:


Portable version (works fine on Windows 10 64bits):

Unzip your downloaded portable file and right click on file infrarecorder.exe, then go to properties, compatibilty tab and select Exexute this file on compatibilty mode with Windows 7. Before doing so, if i tried to open my cd reader, infrarecorder got stuck...

Ah! at that point you can copy all its files.

If you are not able to make the iso image then all data has been lost or i just don't know another way to recover its content... After 10 hours trying to recover a cd-rom i cancel process, too many error at 58% of disk, it is a bit scratched, enough to need a lot of time and patience and last errors i saw could not be recovered, other errors were recovered at 2nd try or after 5 or 6 attempts. Anyway, some times it works, and others not, but i had to try :-) I gonna try to reencode the avi file i had on that cd, at 58% of disk it should show me a reading error but, still, i will also try... with handbrake, as i showed on vlc reading index error, recovering index post. No Way... got an error with handbrake at 58% and encoding process was automatically canceled by handbrake, but it gave me more than one hour of content, so i recovered half the movie file.

Yeah! cleaning cd surface is the first thing to try :-)

Ah! since we used infrerecorder instead of magiciso on Windows 10, we need a virtual cd-rom but if i'm not wrong we can open iso files with Windows 10 Explorer, like any zip file, so no need of virtual cd/dvd reader :-)

btw, sorry for my english ;-) not my main language at all as you can see. Thanks.