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Specout and SensorBox - check your smartphone

23-07-2017 :-/
I check site and get this message:

"This site is no longer available.
We are sorry for the inconvenience."


Check what has the smartphone you would like to buy, by searching for that model on SpecOut:

 (Smartphone specificactions, hardware, info)

(anything else like laptops:
I tried with several smartphones and it shows the right sensors they have :-) 
i tried with mines and some friends smartphones.

To check wich sensors has your smartphone, and check if specout information is accurate, install sensorbox app. Once you run it, just press the BACK button on the first window that appears and shows you a button to "join new" (there is no need to join new. Sensorbox works fine, and the new thing announces to include more utilities and i guess needs more megabytes):

If it's not too much asking and you try sensorbox, can you share wich sensors has your smartphone?  would also like to compare results with data available on specout. Thanks.