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facebook beeps... shut them up!!!! please!!! and some privacy stuff and more

I'm checking facebook and writing something to a friend, and at same time listening arch enemy music :-) and... suddenly, a beep sounds!!!! it's facebook notification because a friend made a comment on a post....

How i disable notification sounds from facebook!!!!????? please!!!! i hate all notification sounds... so much, that i also use to have my smartphone on mute mode :-) yeah! they can call as much as they want, if i do not want to be disturbed, i won't be.

another beep.... let's check what they say on facebook post about disabling it.... else i will run mad...

ok, my facebook and screenshots are in spanish, but today i wanted to write posts in

First we go to top right arrow, press it, and go to configuration or options:

We press notifications on left panel:

Here it is, it says about sounds on notifications for facebook... that's what we need to disable:

We press on "edit" and disable all the sounds we find :-)

That's all for notifications sounds. As always on facebook there is no apply button to press, it just save the new settings as you change them.


I could make another post for videos autoplay, but i will add it in here for now. Something i want to disable and mostly on smartphone, so checking facebook on smartphone won't expend more data than needed...

ok, this is for android:

let's see for computer:

I wasn't seeing it, guess i had to scroll down the website... Under settings, last option is "Videos":

ok, this is nice, we can set the quality of videos shared on facebook, if we want to see them in HQ (if available) or standard quality. If we need to expend less data or bandwith, standard quality would be a great option.

What i was looking for is the second option, the autoplay one, and i will disable it :-)
ok, this is just for the facebook website and not for the facebook app.

Here is the answer for the Android facebook app:


Another thing i'm seeing... data that other apps can check... i would disable all that even if i don't know if i will need some options on for who knows wich app i could use...


oh, this is true... what is always public and cannot be set to private:

it says that my name, profile picture...

Privacy options to check form time to time, since facebook used to update some stuff and at the same time reset some privacy options or introduce a new one... (at least is the feeling i had, but i could just think that for some unknown reason...)

Anyway, we can check what people that is not on our friend's list can see pressing on... settings, and?

Ok, is not under privacy, it is under biography and in the right side, under "see as":

And here i am... as unknown people can see my facebook:

As they said, we cannot hide our name, nor profile pictures...

uhmmm, i can hide one of the profile pictures, just setting that only me can see it:

uhmmm, never saw this... i thought it could be private... but all the things i like are public (we can see it under information when we check our profile "seen as ... public")

You know, when you want to know some stuff about someone, facebook can be a great help, so all these details could be at some point ... more than that... You can ask, why i would like to know stuff about someone... well... maybe just to hack him... lot of info is on the internet, but since social websites we have more than ever...

privacy of that you like and not of your likes... answers Kathy Saldivar. Good point.

Here it is, we can hide those likes!!!!

We log inside our account, and go to Information.

We can edit the privacy for our friends list, we can hide that list too...
But we go on scrolling down the page:

Ok, Julz is under sports :-)

You can share what pages you like with anyone (public) or just with your friends, or not sharing it setting privacy to "only me", or you can share with just some groups of friends using "custom"..

hehe, best privacy setting is not using internet ;-)

Same for all the other sections that facebook can think about :-)

Is not easy to deal with privacy on Facebook and i guess any social network... I guess it was designed to meet people but as good things there can be side effects not so nice...

By default, Facebook will set all your stuff as Public. Remeber that when you use your real name ;-)

Yeah, as if it wasn't painfull enough, every time you change the privacy of some section, facebook has the detail to reload the entire page so that you have to scroll down again.... All is designed to be public and not encourage you to change default settings... tell me it isn't...

How many categories exist!!!!???? hahahaha movies, books, tv shows, sports, ... ??!???! how many!!!!???

i'm tired of scrolling down...

hahaha, i forgot i was looking for the "likes" section!!!!!! here it is, after books!!!!

not even this will be easy or fast.... well, it seems i already has all likes as private, just only for my eyes :-) NO... only first 6 items are "only me"... others are "public"!!!!!

there are more stuff... events... oh, events cannot be hidden, but i can hidde section.. i don't know if hidding it means it won't be public...

that's all... back to settings, biography and check "see as"...

Más curiosidades que acabo de ver gracias a la publicidad de Google:


Just noticed this!!! Friends or "only me" is not anymore ONLY ME or just FRIENDS!!!!

FACEBOOK FRIENDS means Friends + Friends of Friends (you know... second degree friends lol) + tagged people (unknown dudes... that someone else knows...)

And only me is me and tagged people, well, at least i can untag and set to only me or delete.

Maybe i was a bit wrong... we still have only Friends or Only Me:

I would uncheck the tagged ones.

And i still don't know why i saw the option Friends+ when i just posted another link and now i can share with Friends only again...