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View 360 photos on Android

Maybe the app you use on your smartphone to watch 360 degrees photos does it job, but maybe you are not abble to watch 360 degrees photos, panoramic and spherical photos on your smartphone.
First of all remember you need gyroscop and magnetic sensors to use virtual reality or google or cardboard glasses, and also to be abble to build 360 photos using camera built in Google Street View app... Maybe you can view a spherical picture and move inside it touching the screen but you will not be abble yo move the imagen by moving the iPhone unless you have a giroscop sensor.
Said that, i was abble yo make 360 photos with Google Street View and watch them fron the app but same photos were static and not spherical when i was opening them from gallery or from the marshmallow camera app (at least the one on my BQ Aquaris M5 wich have all sensors less the temperatura and pressure ones)... Finally i found out how to watch spherical 360 photos!!! :-)
Just open them with Google Photos app.
So when someome sends you an spherical 360 photo using whatsapp and you see a nivel picture with a nivel effect and panoramic range, just save that photo or only watch it on whatsapp so it gets downloaded on your phone, look for it using the Google Photos app and get surprised moving around that 360 spherical picture ;-)