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Preset Android Launcher - Nova Launcher or Google Launcher

Ajustes - "inicio" - marca tu launcher preferido

Tools - "home" - check prefered installed launcher

I installed Nova Launcher so i could get rid of Google Now Toolbar and also have the applications Window with a dark background  instead of the white background i had on my BQ Aquaris M5 with Android 6 Marshmallow. Only bad thing i have seen about Nova Launcher is that i had to fill again the desktop with my preferred apps. Anyway when i change to the preinstalled Google Launcher all icons are there and nothing is missing.

Ah! I have installed Nova Launcher Free version:

Video ajustes options:

And also "Filtro Luz Azul" or "Blue Light Filter" so i can dimmer more the BQ Aquaris M5 screen (oscurecer aún más la pantalla, reducir más el brillo, lower brightness):
You can pause and restar app so that screen gets more darker than the minimal available brightness that you can set on your android phone.
Se puede pausar la app para volver al brillo normal de la pantalla o ponerlo en marcha de nuevo para oscurecerla de nuevo. Es un filtro de pantalla que entre otras funciones permite oscurecer la pantalla aún más de lo mínimo que te permite seleccionar normalmente tu smartphone. Lo cual me resulta útil para que mi móvil no desprenda demasiada luz de noche.
Para finalizar la app blue light filter hay que ir a ajustes, aplicaciones, filtro luz azul, forzar detención.