Free Autoclicker - Avto K
Para abrir la ventana de grabación: ctrl+z
Para parar de grabar nuestros movimientos, clicks y teclas: ctrl+z y pulsar "stop recording".
Para abrir la ventana principal: ctrl+x desde ahi ponemos el número de repeticiones que queremos y pulsamos play y para parar la repetición pulsamos ctrl+x otra vez.
"save" para grabar los movimientos grabados en un archivo que podremos cargar más adelante...
Automatic Excell to Web Form with Avto K - Free Autoclicker -
Copiar celdas de Excell a un formulario web de forma automatica con avto K.
Copier de excell a formulaire web de façon automatique.
To copy lot of data from excell to a web form you can use several programs like autoit, autohotkey, powerpro, wintask... but for what i wanted that was to copy just several cells with names, mails, phone numbers and so on... to a web form that would record those data to a database like mysql, i used Avto K wich i found the easiest to use for me and without running mad writing some commands or script.
Under options you can set the speed of movement of cursor. to open the window that records our clicks or keystrokes we have to press ctrl+z and record, to stop recording we open the same window with ctrl+z, and with ctrl+x we stop computer playing back our movements. i tried copying with ctrl+c and pasting with ctrl+v but seemed to not work so i copied and pasted data just using menu of browser and menu of excell.
----ctrl+z pour ouvrir la fenêtre qui nous permet d'enregistrer nos mouvements et ctrl+z encore une fois pour finir d'enregistrer les mouvements, clicks ou clavier... ctrl+x pour ouvrir la fenêtre principale du programe où on on choisi combien de répétitions à faire puis on laisse l'ordinateur copier toutes les donnés avec "play"...