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Si buscas herramientas o baca de techo barata he enlazado dos tiendas con artículos marca Vevor:


I was looking for some info about lunar phases on google and when i wanted to see a site, i found myself with a message telling me that i had 4 viruses and my sim would be damaged, and the message also said it was because i saw some adult sites...

That false message was shown by ilovemobiletrack dot com and i guess was part of an add of the site i wanted to see and i didn't (the one with lunar phases according to my google search)...

The SPAM message, or false add, sent me to play store (wich opened alone) and opened the Go Dev Team Play Store site so that i could download the Go Security, Antivirus AppLock...

I won't trust Go Dev Team from now on since i got to their app via such a false message, and trying to scare me telling me i had 4 viruses (why 4?) so that i install their pretended anti virus.. and even called "AppLock"...hope is not a locker or ramsonware kind inside the Go Dev Team App.

If Go Dev Team is not a scam or... they better try to solve this kind of issues or choose wisely how to make their add campaign...

Here are the screenshots:

ilomobiletrack usa el logo de Google fraudulentamente y dice "El sistema está muy dañado ... virus ... sitios para adultos ... se dañara la tarjeta SIM ... y corromperá ... Google Play ..."

Y la mierda de publicidad fraudulenta que no se ni de qué página web me salió, y que usa el logo de Google y la plataforma Google Play, va y me lleva a Play Store para que me descargue la supuesta aplicación gratuita y supuestamente inofensiva y supuestamente anti virus (cuando el comportamiento es más de querer robarte datos o colarte un virus o trojano)... pues de GO Dev Team y la app GO Security, Antivirus AppLock...

Obviamente, no puedo confiar en GO Dev Team. Obviously i won't trust GO Dev Team...

Todo esto me paso navegando en Google y en mi smartphone... I was just seeking info on Google with my Smartphone... Was not seeking a free antivirus...

On that forum Dannydet directly says "Go dev are well known spammers...".  THANKS!!!