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acronis uefi boot loader 0x1480008

Update: is long time i do not clone disks, so this time i just copied all files and reinstalled software that was needed and used acronis just to make a backup of all the disk. You can use free MiniTool software to resize partitions but also to make an image of your hard drive ;-) but is only to be used on same computer or hardware. Transfer Windows and all software from one computer to another is way much difficult and i have no idea on how to achieve it. Right now, after more than 10 years since i enjoyed doing things with computers and posted such things on howtoscomos, i will never spend a night or even hours trying to solve any computer issue. I just want to stay away from them and enjoy a starry night over the sea or in some Mountain road ;-) Enjoy your life whenever you can, breathing air so far from towns. Is just a dream ;-) but it sounds great to me

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use acronis to copy windows to another computer???

El problema son los drivers, cada windows instala drivers especificos del hardware de tu ordenador. Por eso no puedes volcar el Windows de un portatil en otro portatil.

En realidad sí se puede, con Windows Server en consola se creaban imagenes universales que creaban una instalación válida para cualquier hardware compatible. O era algo parecido, ya ni recuerdo.

El caso es Acronis True Image 2014 parece servir para el uso normal que es crear una copia de mi ordenador para poder volver a restaurar todo en este mismo ordenador. No en otro portatil con tarjetas y procesador diferentes.

En internet comentan programa Acronis Universal Restore.

En Acronis 2014 hay en Tools: Convert to Windows Backup pero no se si ese archivo Vhd, como el de máquinas virtuales, me podría volcar una imagen compatible con este nuevo portatil. Creo que ya me estoy contestando: el hardware es diferente, no puede funcionar si no instala los drivers necesarios para Windows en este portatil..


can i install windows backup vhd from one computer to another?

:/ "it is not possible to restore a VHD Backup file on another PC. "


clonar windows de un ordenador a otro?

MINITOOL!!! espero siga siendo free


 acronis uefi boot loader 0x1480008

bios secure boot? it is enabled by default

for windows 10 i already disabled fast boot

Disable secure boot from bios accesing "Security" Tab

i don't see uefi option
just efi on boot tab without option to change uefi mode...


disk is smaller :/ but i'm not recovering on different drive, hdd to ssd, sector by sector, just partitions


Lenovo ideapad5
 press F2 access Bios


try to boot from acronis boot recovering cd...